Tuesday, July 31, 2007

We Gots Mad Skillz

Ok, now I am ready to have a baby.

All the worry, the unknowns, the fear, it's all gone. Bring on baby.

Why am I so confident? The wife and I took a little class called "Babycare Skills" last night. And we did well.

Because for all the reading we've done, all the videos we've watched, all the stress we've had, all the advice we've been given, all it takes is a three-hour class right?

Maybe not.

But, if the time ever comes where I need to give a fake bath to a plastic doll, I'm your man (laugh all you want, I'm having a daughter, so those plastic doll washing skills might come in handy).

The Babycare Skills class did pass on some very helpful advice and also served as a reminder that we have many more things left to buy in order to have a healthy baby (like baby nail clippers or a hair brush).

What did make us more confident in becoming capable parents were some of the other "students" in the class. Of the eight couples (plus the lone pregnant woman there alone), at least three could be considered, in my wife's words "fucktards." Sometimes it's the questionable competency of others that makes you feel a bit better.

It's hard to quantify how these people displayed their fucktardation and it's hard to knock a first-time expectant parent for asking too many questions. But somewhere in the first hour, it became obvious that these are the type of people that twisted their teacher's arms to give them a word count for their research reports, because "long enough to prove your point" doesn't resonate with them.

Oh, and one more thing. All those years of eating Chipotle (and its far superior competitor in the Washington DC area) paid off: I can swaddle like a champion.

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