Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I Feel a Bit Ripped Off

My wife is 37+ weeks pregnant. My wife's belly has a 6+ lbs. baby inside of it. Yet my wife's belly button remains an "innie."

When the baby books I read warned that not all expectant mother's belly buttons turn from innies to outies, I shrugged if off. Of course baby books have to say that, just as they say that my child might not ever cry or fuss for more than a minute. They have to cover all bases.

I was all excited for my wife to pop an outtie, but we're running out of time. I don't think it's going to happen. It's not just sad, but a little disconcerting, too. If her belly button doesn't pop out, how will I know the baby's done cookin'?



Blogger mamacita said...

Yeah, sorry -- I rocked the innie throughout both pregnancies. And God knows it's not because I didn't gain enough weight.

8/17/2007 6:40 PM  

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