Thursday, June 14, 2007

Houston, We Have a Ca-Ca

The fun and unusual baby news keeps rolling in from across the country.

Meet Natalie Meilinger, mother of three-month-old Jack and unwitting astronomer. Seems that Jack's video baby monitor has been picking up more than just his breathing and crying, it's been picking up satellite video of the space shuttle Atlantis.
In between the feedings and the changings, the Meilinger's have enjoyed video footage of the space shuttle docked at the ISS and astronauts heading out for a jaunty space walk. The pirated baby monitor video is not breaching any security system or encryption, it is a simulcast of public video shown in the Web. NASA officials, rocket scientists all, had no explanation for this phenomenon.
We picked out a baby monitor, but audio-only, no video. I'm starting to re-think that. Especially if someone can show me how to jigger the monitor to pick up out-of-market baseball games.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

11/10/2008 8:25 PM  

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