Monday, February 19, 2007

The First Trimester Hate List

We're nearing the end of the first trimester here at Nine Month Odyssey and we're happy to be surrounded by nothing but love. From parents, friends, co-workers, even strangers, we are a bit surprised to see just how happy and positive a pregnancy makes people. It's time to let some air out of that balloon. Some things I've grown to hate over the past 12 weeks...
  • Planning for a Nursery's Color Scheme - really? This is integral to my child's development?
  • Parent's Jockeying For Position - Due date is six months away, quit camping out for tickets like this is a concert
  • Parenting Books For Fathers - I am not an idiot.
  • Grey's Anatomy - Have sex or die, I really don't care
  • My Wife's Twice Daily Blood Thinner Shots - She hates 'em, so I do, too.
  • My Tossing & Turning At Night - Another symptom of being pregnant? Becoming a light sleeper, if you are my wife
  • People Not Show-Shoveling Their Sidewalks - I can make it just fine, but when I've got a stroller in tow, you better believe I'll sue you
  • The Placenta - Necessary for survival? Yes. Unbelievably disgusting? Yes.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I'll add to this as I think of more - feel free to contribute.



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