Sunday, February 11, 2007

This Week in Fatherhood

"This Week in Fatherhood" publicizes and celebrates fathers across the globe. We laugh at their foibles, chuckle at their misfortune, and remind ourselves that there are no prerequisites to fatherhood. Let us all learn from their idiocy.
  • Can't get a baby sitter? No problem, so long as you can make it to your local pharmacy!
  • Until I read this article, I had no idea that Ryan O'Neal was Tatum O'Neal's father. Also, I never knew how big an asshole he is.
  • Usually, you have men running away from being called "baby daddy." Behold, the legacy of Anna-Nicole Smith.
  • Ok, so maybe working 18+ hours a day, travelling extensively and moving often to advance your career isn't a beneficial trait for fathers.



Blogger furiousBall said...

being a daddy isn't easy, those little people love that time with you. i learned early on to stop being career daddy when i got home at least until I put the little ones (and the missus) to bed.

2/12/2007 12:19 PM  

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