Tuesday, April 24, 2007

...And We're Back...

I was away for a few days, but not in the vacation or "getaway" sense. I was away in the blogger sense. That is, I was dealing with some other crap for a few days. Among the real life crap: battling a debilitating cold and moving. While I'm sure you want to hear about my courageous battle against a common virus, the more exciting news is that I'm typing to you from our future nursery! Which is a kind way of saying, I am surrounded by yellow. It's pushing midnight, and yet, it's still bright as day in here.

I've been thinking about moving lately, and not in the change-of-address sense. As in the, "my daughter sure does move a lot" sense. Now, I haven't yet been able to feel my daughter move yet, but My Lovely Wife sure has. Ever since Lefty was jarred awake during that traumatic plane ride, she's been reenacting scenes from Flashdance in my wife's uterus.

The closest that I may ever come to feeling something move inside of me comes about thirty minutes after I eat Taco Bell, so I can't really imagine what any pregnant woman must feel. If you've never been pregnant, or even if you have, think about how my wife must have felt when - disregarding all advice and reading material and sleeping in her usual position on her stomach instead of her side - all of a sudden, a very constrained being jabs her quickly from the inside.

My wife has slept on her side ever since. I'm glad that she does, since that is the healthy way to pass the next few months, but does it also mean my daughter is going to solve her problems by punching them? That can't be good.

Lefty also has some fairly odd sleeping habits. Apparently, every ultrasound that we have ever scheduled has come during Lefty's naptime. I'm fairly certain I saw her give us the finger after we awoke her during our last appointment. But when my wife is taking a deposition? That's when Lefty uses the placenta as a Slip N Slide. Very professional, kid.

All this internal movement, from my point of view, is very positive. There's not much to complain about a healthy active child, even one that has yet to be born. Maybe Lefty will take an interest in gymnastics, or dance, or jujitsu.

Of course, it's entirely possible that Lefty will want to sleep all day, and wake up only after nightfall to begin moving around like a spaz. But I'm hoping that will come at a natural point in childhood development: college.



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